Annual Report

The Annual Report is produced annually and contains details of programs and activities undertaken by Council throughout the previous financial year.

It highlights achievements made by Council with respect to the objectives and performance targets set out in its Management Plan for that year, identifying that the vast majority of the undertakings made by Council at the start of a financial year have, indeed, been met.

The Annual Report contains Council's vision, performance, achievements and audited Financial Statements, as well as future directions.

You can view or download Annual Report documents by clicking on the links below.  Earlier copies can be obtained by contacting us on 13 WWSC or 13 99 72 or emailing

2021-2022-Annual-Report-Final.pdf(PDF, 15MB)

WWSC-Performance-Statement-2021-22-Final.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

WWSC-Financial-Statements-2021-22-Final.pdf(PDF, 883KB)