Community Sponsorship and Contributions Grant

West Wimmera Shire Council Sponsorship and Contributions Grants provides communities with the opportunity to collaborate with Council to make their locality a better place to live. The Council provides Sponsorships and Contributions to address local needs and provide opportunities to support the community and enhance lifestyles of West Wimmera Shire Council residents. Sponsorship and Contributions may be via application for funds and/or Council in-kind support.

West Wimmera Shire Council Sponsorship and Contributions Grant is to support locally based groups and organisations that:

  • Support community wellbeing
  • Encourage community participation
  • Bring economic benefit to the West Wimmera Shire
  • Assist in the recovery from catastrophic emergencies (funding to non-West Wimmera Shire groups may be considered, i.e. Blazeaid)
  • Supports individuals where a benefit is seen to the West Wimmera community
  • Council’s Sponsorship and Contributions Grants is open throughout the year, until all budgeted funds have been expended. Please read the grant guidelines, listed below, before applying.

Community Sponsorship and Contribution Grant guidelines(PDF, 669KB)


  • Not-for-profit groups, organisations, or individuals
  • Must have no outstanding payments owed to Council.

What projects will be funded?

Council will consider requests for sponsorship towards initiatives and/or activities that:

  • Demonstrate significant community benefit.
  • Are inclusive and encourage community participation.
  • Are responsive to current community needs.
  • Support community recovery
  • Be a community group or organisation with an Australian Business Number (Not applicable for Individual applicants)
  • Submit an online application form.
  • Request sponsorship or a contribution which aligns to objectives of the funding program.
  • Have the ability to undertake their project/activity and acquit expended funds by the end of the financial year, unless provided with a written extension.
  • Work collaboratively with council.
  • Not already receive substantial support from council
  • Not be in breach of any statutory requirements.
  • Have Public Liability Insurance cover for the project and must indemnify Council against any legal claims arising out of the project.

What projects will not be funded?

Council will not consider projects that:

  • Are for wages and staffing costs.
  • Are for the purchase of gift and prizes.
  • Are non-compliant of regulatory requirements.
  • Are for the reimbursement of council fees and charges consultancies.
  • Unconditional gifts, contributions, bequests, or endowments
  • Political sponsorships, contributions, or merchandising.
  • Events that create environmental concerns
  • Programs that may present a hazard to the community.
  • They are based outside of the West Wimmera Shire
  • The funding is the responsibility of other Government departments i.e., Department of Land, Water and Planning, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education.
  • Duplicate other locally available services, resources, or programs.
  • The funding is requested retrospectively.
  • There is outstanding debt with the council. Councils’ financial hardship policy can be discussed in context with your application.