Emergency management resources


Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership

The Wimmera Emergency Management Team (WEMT) was created as a result of the Wimmera Emergency Resources Sharing Program (WEMRSP) partnership agreement between Horsham Rural City Council, Hindmarsh, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack Shire Councils.

The team is responsible for supporting each Council in meeting their emergency management obligations under various legislation, policy and guidelines. This is done through research, investigation and support that ensures each Council is current and has a standard approach.

The program enables collaboration and resource sharing between Councils and support to emergency service agencies in an emergency. The team is funded by each Council's allocation from the State Government Municipal Emergency Resource Program (MERP), co-contributions and other funding sources.

The WEMT is an excellent example of Council collaboration and resource sharing that provides effective emergency management to their communities.

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

The Municipal Emergency Management Plan(PDF, 938KB) documents the agreed emergency management arrangements within the West Wimmera Shire municipality for mitigation, response and recovery, and defines the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders at the municipal level. It supports efficiency and effectiveness on a platform of shared responsibility and interoperability to deliver community centered outcomes.

If you have any comments, feedback or concerns regarding the emergency management plan, please contact the Municipal Emergency Management Officer on memo@westwimmera.vic.gov.au.

Wimmera Integrated Relief and Recovery Sub-Plan

The Wimmera Integrated Relief and Recovery Sub plan documents how emergency relief and recovery services are coordinated and delivered at the local level for the four Partner Councils within the Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership. This plan also describes how emergency relief and recovery service support is escalated to the regional and/or state level when local resources are exhausted.

Wimmera-Integrated-Relief-and-Recovery-Sub-plan-adopted-23.09.23.pdf(PDF, 961KB)

Municipal Fire Management Sub-Plan

The West Wimmera Shire Municipal Fire Management Sub-Plan(PDF, 2MB) is a comprehensive strategy that guides fire management efforts, considering social, economic, environmental aspects, and diverse fire uses. Its purpose is to minimize and mitigate bushfires, grass fires, and industrial fires. It promotes cooperation among key stakeholders, ensuring consistent and effective fire management at municipal and regional levels.

The Municipal Fire Management Planning Sub-committee is responsible for preparing and maintaining the Municipal Fire Management Sub-plan under the leadership and guidance of the relevant fire services, and to make recommendations to the Municipal Emergency Management Committee.

West Wimmera Municipal Fire Management Planning Sub-Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 169KB)

Wimmera Emergency Animal Welfare Sub Plan

The 2022-2025 Wimmera Emergency Animal Welfare Sub-plan(PDF, 1MB)  is a sub-plan of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan for each of the four partner Councils who make up the Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership - West Wimmera and Yarriambiack Shire Councils, Horsham Rural City and Hindmarsh. This sub-plan is based on the principle of "shared responsibility" where the owners of domestic animals and livestock will have arrangements in place before, during an after an emergency to manage the welfare of their animals. 

The focus of this sub-plan is to prescribe the municipal co-ordination arrangements that exist to support agencies which have a responsibility for emergency animal welfare support. This includes:

  • Domestic animals (pets) – Local Government
  • Livestock – Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (DJPR)
  • Wildlife – Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (formerly DELWP).