Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 ("the Act") provides the opportunity for members of the public to access certain Council documents, provided they are not exempt under the Act. 

Under section 17(2) of the FOI Act, requests for access to information must be:

  • In writing
  • Provide sufficient information to enable the document(s) to be located
  • Accompanied by application fee of $32.70


To facilitate this process, applicants are required to use the Council's Freedom of Information Application Form, which can be downloaded here(PDF, 313KB)

The application fee increases on 1 July each year, as gazetted by the Victorian Government. 

Applications are to be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Officer

PO Box 201

Edenhope VIC 3318


Or emailed to

Other charges may be levied in accordance with the Freedom of Information Regulations, once the initial application has been received and assessed. 

Further information can be viewed at the Freedom of Information (FOI) website pages of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner - OVIC -