Community Support Grant

In recognition of the important contribution that “Not for Profit” community organisations make to the infrastructure and fabric of the townships of West Wimmera Shire, Council will consider an annual financial contribution to assist the identified organisations to continue to support Council in its strategic goal to have supported cohesive communities. (Community Support Contribution).

This grant allows for Committees of Management or hall committees to apply for an annual contribution towards the cost of their facilities insurances (Public and Products Liability and Contents and Building Contribution).
Council will consider a financial contribution to eligible organisations, upon application. If approved by Council eligible associations are encouraged to apply on an annual basis if assistance is required.

Community Support Grant Guidelines(PDF, 923KB)

Grant Streams

The following streams are available under this grant:

A) Community Support Contribution recipients
Council approved, not for profit incorporated organisations that promote the interests of the community.

B) Public and Products Liability Insurance Contribution recipients
Not for Profit Committees that administer non council owned facilities that provide a service to the community. Council will consider applications for Public and Products Liability.

C) Building and Contents Insurance Contribution recipients
Not for Profit Committees that administer non council owned facilities that provide a service to the community. Council will consider Building and Contents Insurance.

Additional Information

To be considered for the annual allocation, eligible associations must apply for Community Support Contribution, Public and Products Liability and Community Insurance Contribution via the WWSC (West Wimmera Shire Council) Smarty Grants Portal.

  • Applications open annually on the first Monday in March and close the last Friday in March.
  • All applications received will be submitted to Council at its May meeting for consideration.
  • Granting of the contribution is at the discretion of Council in accordance with the program and eligibility criteria
  • Council will provide the grant funds to approved applicants no later than 30 September of each year.
  • Additional to this funding organisations may apply for other Community Grants as per the applicable guidelines.
  • Council may consider written applications from approved Community Support Contribution groups (or similar not for profit organisations) experiencing hardship, for funding in addition to the approved annual allocations.
  • Submissions must be received by 31 December of each year for consideration at the February Council meeting.

A) Community Support Contribution

Applicants may contact the Community Development team to discuss their application prior to applying.

The following questions will be the required information fields (*) in your smarty grant application:

  • Why the contribution is required for this particular financial year.
  • How does the community benefit from planned activities.
  • Detailed budget for the upcoming financial year demonstrating the need for the annual contribution (attachment).
  • Copy of the organisation’s latest financial statements/bank statements of all operating accounts (attachment) if combined balance at bank exceeds one hundred thousand dollars.
  • Last year’s acquittal statement (attachment).
  • Does the organisation have Public and Products Liability Insurance.
  • List of all committee members

Submit grant application online via Council officers are available to assist.

  • Applicant is notified when Council receives the application.
  • Applicants may not receive the full amount requested.
  • Council reserves the right to provide contributions without application in the case of recovery operations during or after a catastrophic emergency event.

Apply here for Community Support Grant - Contribution

B) Public and Products Liability Insurance Contribution

Applicants may contact the Community Development team to discuss their application prior to applying.

Council will pay a maximum of $800 per year contribution towards Public Liability Insurance based on the answers to the application.

Questions that will be asked during your application (*) include the following:

  • Reason for grant application
  • Benefit to the community of the facility
  • Provide evidence of insurance paid.

Statistics including:

  • Schedule of events held over the past 12 months including attendance numbers
  • Number of committee meetings per annum
  • List of all committee members

If your committee intends to insure the buildings on crown land, contact Council first to confirm that they have not already done so.

Submit grant application online via Council officers are available to assist.

  • Applicant is notified when Council receives the application.
  • Applicants may not receive the full amount requested. 

Apply here for Community Support Grant - Insurances 2023

C) Building and Contents Insurance Contribution

Applicants may contact the Community Development team to discuss their application prior to applying.

Applicants may apply for assistance for Building and Contents insurance to a maximum of 35% of the total cost.

Questions that will be asked during your application (*) include the following:

  • Reason for grant application
  • Benefit to the community of the facility
  • Provide evidence of insurance paid.
  • Statistics including.
  • Schedule of events held over the past 12 months including
  • attendance numbers
  • Number of committee meetings per annum
  • List of all committee member
  • Community profile of use
  • Provide evidence of insurance paid.
  • Replacement value of Building
  • Replacement value of Contents
  • Attach a copy of their latest financial statement.
  • Condition of building.
  • Does the building contain asbestos?
  • Would you expect the building to be replaced if damaged beyond reasonable repair? If so, does your current insurance costs cover this?
  • Financial ability to meet any shortfalls to replace the building if damaged.
  • Business/Strategic plan (If applicable)

While Councils have no obligation to do so, some councils elect to insure buildings on reserves managed by local elected committees.

If your committee intends to insure the buildings on crown land, contact Council first to confirm that they have not already done so.

Submit grant application online via Council officers are available to assist.

  • Applicant is notified when Council receives the application.
  • Applicants may not receive the full amount requested. 

Apply here for Community Support Grant - Insurances 2023


Assessment Criteria

Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • The request effectively meets identified local need and meets the objectives of the Community Support Grants program.
  • The request has clear and achievable objectives and outcomes.
  • The request has been accurately costed.
  • The application meets all application guidelines and includes all information required for consideration.
  • The applicant has the capacity to implement and report on the grant.
  • Does not contravene the West Wimmera Shire Council Grants Policy.