Application, technology and resume support
West Wimmera Youth Services offers free assistance to people under the age of 25 with forms, resumes and applications.
Navigating the world of online forms, applications and government websites can be difficult, and we are here to help!
Our Youth Services Team can support you by helping you progress through online applications, online forms, navigating Centerlink and MyGov websites and more. We can help you write a resume, or apply for a TAFE or University course.
Our Youth Service Office has internet access and a computer to help remove additional technological barriers. Our support is confidential and free of charge.
The Youth Services offices can help with:
- Applying for a healthcare card
- Searching online job boards and submitting online job applications
- Booking online appointments
- Writing a resume
- Writing university applications
- Applying for a TAFE course
- Registering for MyGov
- Navigating online form and websites such as Centerlink
- Getting a working with children check
- Referrals to external support programs or organisations
- Plus much more
For more information contact our Youth Services Team on 13 99 72 or by emailing