Other general information

Find answers to a range of frequently asked questions related to planning.

My property has never flooded, why does the floodway overlay [FO] or land subject to inundation overlay [LSIO] affect my property?

The floodway overlay (FO) identifies land in in both rural and urban areas that, during a flood event, would allow the passage of flood waters or the store flood waters.

The land subject to inundation overlay (LSIO) have a lower flood risk than FO areas.

The FO and LSIO require a planning permit for certain developments and the subdivision of land.

You should seek advice from the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority before apply for a planning permit.


What is a building envelope, and can it be changed?

Sometimes when land is subdivided, a building envelope is placed as a restriction on the title of the land or endorsed plans.

A building envelope illustrates an outline of that portion of the lot where buildings can be constructed.

To find out if a building envelope applies to a property you need to obtain a copy of the Certificate of Title to the land.

Council does not keep records of property titles. To obtain a copy of the Certificate of Title to the land, visit the Landata website.

The Certificate of Title will detail whether you can apply to Council to construct outside of the prescribed envelope.


What is ‘rescode’?

‘Rescode’ is a provision included in all Victorian planning schemes and the Victorian Building Regulations to prescribe requirements for the siting and design of residential buildings, including dwellings in Victoria.

A ‘rescode’ response is required for most planning permit applications for residential development in the neighbourhood residential zone (NRZ), general residential zone (GRZ), residential growth zone (RGZ), mixed use zone (MUZ) or township zone (TZ).

There are strict guidelines, covering the type of documentation required and the objectives that need to be satisfied under Rescode in Clause 54 and Clause 55 of the planning scheme(PDF, 34MB).