Notification of vertebrate pest control using 1080 and/or PAPP baits

No longer on display. Expired on 21 November 2020, 12:00 AM

(Information from the Kaniva District Landcare)

The information provided within this document is to notify landowners within the area that there will be 1080 baits used as part of a coordinated fox baiting program - 'Little Desert Regional Fox Control Program'. 

The baiting program is to target for the following defined pest animal species, 

  • Fox

Using the poison compound/s: 

• 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate)

• PAPP (4-aminopropiophenone)

Which is contained within an approved bait type for the pest species. 

Baits will be laid on: 31st August 2020 

Baits will be collected on: 20th November 2020 

Please ensure steps are taken to confine, muzzle and / or restrain your domestic animals, particularly dogs and cats, to prevent them from accessing 1080 and/or PAPP baits or carcasses during this period. 

*The use of the 1080 and/or PAPP baits will comply with the product label and the Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria. When used in accordance with these documents, the risk of humans or animals being poisoned by 1080 or PAPP baits can effectively be managed.

To minimise the risk of poisoning you are advised: 

• Dogs and cats are susceptible to secondary poisoning from ingesting contaminated carcasses. As there is a delay in the poison action of 1080 and/or PAPP, animals that have ingested baits may die on your property.

• Closely monitor the health and behaviour of your companion animals or livestock. If you notice any unusual or uncharacteristic behaviour contact your local veterinarian immediately.

• Collect and destroy by burning (in accordance with local regulations) or bury (>50cm for rabbits and >1 m for foxes, wild dogs and feral pigs) any poisoned carcasses you find. Always dispose of carcasses away from natural features such as waterways.

• If you are handling poison bait and/or carcasses always use protective rubber gloves and wash hands and gloves thoroughly after contact.

• Ensure no access by the general public (unauthorised persons) during the laying of poison baits and disposal of poison baits and carcasses.

If poisoning occurs immediately contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26

Further information on the use and handling of 1080 and PAPP is available from 1080 and PAPP bait manufacturers


Little Desert Regional Fox Control Program Information 

This program is a part of the Victoria State Government commitment to Biodiversity 2037, which is funded for three years from 2019 to 2021. The program is been delivered in partnership with Wimmera Catchment Management Authority, Parks Vic, Hindmarsh Landcare Network and Kaniva District Landcare Group. The aim is to reduce fox populations effectively across a large area in a coordinated approach both on private and public land. Please visit this website to give an indication of where baits are distributed. 

Please contact Kaniva District Landcare facilitator Rommi Crouch for any enquires, 

Phone: 0474 227 166 Email: